
A user-friendly interface for an end-to-end
workflow, because time is money.

Spend less
than 15 minutes
pricing intercompany transactions

Cloud-based solution
15 minutes per loan
Log on to a secure platform at any
time from anywhere to price
intercompany loans
API connectivity
2 minutes per loan
No binding commitments.
Receive a free demo account.
Speak to TP experts.
Request demo ✓ Receive a free trial account
See how it works
Step 1
Create a credit rating

credit ratings

Upload financial statements and complement with qualitative information in order to determine a stand-alone credit rating.

Our integrated group support analysis will complete the credit rating analysis.

credit rating
Step 2
Pricing analysis
credit rating

CUP Analysis

Our tool automatically prices the loan
by selecting the most comparable uncontrolled transactions from the secondary corporate bond market.

After granular comparability adjustments, an interquartile range is calculated based on these comparables.

Step 3
Generate documentation
with a single click


Finalize a calculation by generation
an extensive transfer pricing report with
a single click
. It can be generated in DOCX
or PDF.

This report outlines the methodology as well as the calculation-specific data.

credit rating
Worried about onboarding, updates or support?
No need, it’s all included.
No technical implementation required
Our transfer pricing experts will organize user trainings when onboarding new users to the platform. Simply log on afterwards and you are good to go!
More about time savings
All support and updates are included
Functional and technical questions are addressed quickly. Additionally, all our clients benefit from each upgrade to ensure continued compliance and ease of use.
More about cost savings
We co-develop with our clients!

Learn from your peers

Zanders incorporates insights from clients into its solutions. This approach allows our client community to leverage on transfer pricing and audit experience from a wide range of corporates
More about compliance

Shaping innovation
Future-proof your organization

Digitization and automation are high on the agenda. Zanders assists corporates in shaping future-proof tax and treasury departments. Our aim is to create cost-effective solutions that seamlessly integrate with our clients’ system landscape
More about automation