Bank rating model

Manage your banking partners using a 360 degrees view on credit risk

An accurate credit assessment for your banking counterparties, generated in 5 minutes

Straightforward workflow
5 minutes per credit rating
Generate a credit rating in four easy steps, assessing all aspects of your banking counterparty.
API connection
Create credit ratings in batch
Make a direct connection or upload a larger set of counterparties to generate ratings on the fly.
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Quantitative foundation
Calibrated on financial databases
Calibrated across different global region, our model is fit for worldwide application.
Tested models
Excellent model performance
Our model is calibrated on an annual basis to ensure optimal performance. Our model performance in best-in-class!
Get in touch with our experts ✓ We connect to your system
Step 1
Quantitative score

Financial information of up to five years is translated into ratios and trends, which form the basis of the quantitative score.

The quantitative score assesses the financial health on a number of pillars:

  • Operations
  • Liquidity
  • Loan quality
  • Capitalisation
  • Size

credit rating
Step 2
Qualitative assessment
credit rating

The quantitative score is supplemented with additional insights like product and geographical diversification.

Adding the qualitative assessment leads to the ‘stand-alone score’.

Step 3
Group support and environment

Taking into account support from related entities or governments, country (transfer) and industry risks leads to the final model score.

credit rating
Step 4
Rating report
credit rating

User override

A comprehensive rating report is generated showing the final rating and the underlying components.

If necessary, an analyst can override the model score on the final rating.

Worried about onboarding, support or whether our
model fits your portfolio?
Customized models, because no portfolio is the same
Our credit risk experts can customize our model to fit your portfolio. Find out how we optimize our models for your use case
More about model customization
All support and updates are included
Functional and technical questions are addressed quickly. Additionally, all our clients benefit from each upgrade to ensure continued compliance and ease of use.
More about cost savings
Our quality guarantee

Data-driven calibration to optimize model performance

Annual recalibration of our model to incorporate latest economic trends. Using extensive databases containing thousands of banks

Continuously improving

We include the insights from the portfolios of our clients, to improve our model performance